Cattivi odori bagno

Versare il prodotto nei sanitari. Lasciare agire per circa 30 minuti poi fare scorrere l’acqua.

Prodotti consigliati


    Dirt makes you raise a white flag Oh, the colour of peace, purity and brightness. White is so pure and delicate that it needs to be protected from any stain that wants to soil it. To do so, let me introduce you to a fantastic ally: floral scented classic bleach. Scented chlorine bleach whitens, removes […]

    Dirt makes you raise a white flag Oh, the colour of peace, purity and brightness. White is so pure and delicate that it needs to be protected from any stain that wants to soil it. To do so, let me introduce you to a fantastic ally: eucalyptus-scented bleach. Scented chlorine bleach whitens, removes stains and […]